Keywords are words that you don't want to appear. These keywords can waste your advertising budget with unnecessary clicks. You'll want to review your monthly report for these keywords to add to your negative keyword list. The more negative keywords you accumulate, the more target your ads will be. Negative keywords may be relat to topics that are not relevant to your nonprofit or outside the scope of your services. For example, if you specialize in providing relief to people affect by a hurricane, you don't want to show anything relat to tsunamis or earthquakes. Include Power Words in Your Copy Power Words Do What They Say They will compel, motivate.
Excite and entice people to click on your ad. Words Latest Mailing Database like you, click, increase, hurry up, fast or chance will make the reader want to know more. Avoid overusing these words or you will sound hyperbolic. less is more. But including one or two in your copy can significantly improve your CTR. Include expand ad extensions to increase the size of the ad on the page by including more information. Extensions include additional links, opening hours, address, description, and more. At no additional cost, nonprofits can experience higher conversion and click-through rates. For example, callout extensions allow you to add another call to action to your ad.
Whether you want to let someone know more, donate today, or support the cause, this simple extension can make a huge difference. Target specific locations If you're a local charity or nonprofit, you don't want to be competing nationally. Your efforts are local; your advertising should be too. This is where geolocation comes in. This feature allows you to adjust your bids for a specific location. It can be a specific country or even a state. You'll dramatically increase your conversion rates.