The beacons fall under what Matt Brooks, co-founder and resident SEO expert of web design and SEO agency SEOteric, has called interruption-based marketing, in which brands send messages to consumers to incentivize them. to make a purchase. But for tags to be integrated into SEO and ranked as a ranking signal, they will also need to be able to listen to users, he said. "Google already has a strong local influence on search results based on where I am and what's around me, so beacons could be used as an additional local ranking signal," he said. -he declares. “As a user looking for something like 'restaurants nearby', beacons could play a role in giving additional local ranking signals based on that mobile search. Google already does this based on your IP address and location.
Tags could therefore improve the quality and accuracy of these results. " Advertising Continue reading below 4. Tags could image masking service extract data from devices, which could further influence the results As mobile devices adapt, beacon technology evolves, and beacons evolve, they could potentially be able to interact in retail outlets like stores and restaurants, Brooks said. In turn, this interaction could be used to integrate beacon data with data on users' mobile phones - like contacts or Facebook - thus providing what Brooks described as a more social interaction in real time. “It could help influence search results or even the delivery of a specific message from a tag to a location,” he added.
In other words, beacons could theoretically extract data about the tastes and buying behaviors of consumer friends and, in turn, search engines could use this data to respond to the results they provide when they know where that person is. Further, he noted that this is really just an extension of the current scenario where consumers receive personalized results based on their search history and location. Advertising Continue reading below 5. Tags could make consumers wonder what their friends like Consumers can specifically query for products and services that their friends like and/or have purchased when the query takes place in a store and the tag helps inform the search engine of the results to provide.